Monday, December 30, 2013

Win a Fitbit Force or Nike Fuelband SE! (3 days left)

Win any of these life-changing activity trackers at Fit Gadget Reviews.

What are the benefits of activity trackers?

Nowadays, more and more people are trying to have a healthy lifestyle by having a balanced diet and regular exercise. However, some get bored with what they do or lose their self-control and give in to temptations. This is usually because of the lack of motivation. Fortunately, activity trackers are now available and these devices make a healthy lifestyle more fun!


As activity trackers make healthy living more fun, people are more eager to be active which has a lot of health benefits. As people discover the features of these activity trackers and what they can do with it, they feel more motivated to move and be healthy!


Just one look at these activity trackers and one would want to wear it even before knowing about its functions and features. These activity trackers are sleek, stylish, and looks great as an accessory. It is one of those rare gadgets that look as good as they can function.

Featuristic and Futuristic

This high-tech looking device can do a lot. It can count the steps that a person takes, the miles a person traveled through walking or running, calories consumed and burned, time that a person falls asleep and the time that he or she wakes up, floors or steps climbed, and it may also function as a stopwatch.

Apps and Connectivity

Different applications make being healthy easier, more efficient, and more fun! Progress may be shared to a person's friends through different social networking sites.This will help provide more motivation from their friends through their words of encouragement.

Philippines Freebies approve of activity trackers and Philippine Freebies approve of a healthy lifestyle!

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